With the idea to change prejudices and help in creating a happier and more successful society, AFA launched the project “Play with Dad”. It included eight panel discussions on the importance of equal parenting, as well as one focus group with dads and one pilot workshop with dads and children. As a result of all activities, we have created the Manual for organizing workshops for fathers and children.
This manual will enable the organization of workshops throughout the whole Serbia and thus continue the positive change in society which emerged with this project. The goal of the workshops is to motivate fathers to be more involved in parenting, to spend more quality time with their children and connect with them better, but also to give more free time for mothers and their personal and professional development. The main goal is to create more harmonious families in which both parents are equally involved in the upbringing of children, as well as in the distribution of household chores, and thus in social and economic processes
The workshop manual offers guidelines for organizing the workshop and gives ideas on who, where and how can organize the great activities for fathers and children. The idea of the AFA organization was to include various society members in organizing such workshops, in order to slowly break down prejudices and promote the beauty of greater involvement of fathers in the upbringing of children.
Learning from the best
This panel is in English as we talked with our international partners. We discussed macro implications of unequal burden of unpaid care work as well as of policies targeting this issue. In particular – the impact of unpaid care work on economic and social development, gender inequality on labour market, corporate policies to increase inclusiveness and gender equality, and strategies for more equal distribution of unpaid care work (such as 4R Strategy – Recognition, Reduction, Redistribution, Representation).
– Rebecca Fabrizi, Deputy British Ambassador to Serbia
– Joachim Waern, Deputy Swedish Ambassador to Serbia
– Aleksandra Triantafyllidou, IKEA Regional Director for HR and a member of IKEA board of directors
This text / analysis / publication / video / content was created within the project “Gender Responsible Governance – Redistribution of Unpaid Work”, implemented by the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Serbia (UN Women), in cooperation with the Coordination Body for Gender Equality, with the support of the Government of the United Kingdom and the British Embassy in Belgrade. The views expressed in this text (or other content) are written by the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of UN Women, the United Kingdom Government and the British Embassy.